Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cutting your own ribeyes and a great breakfast.


One of the highlights of my Christmas this year was the delicious breakfast I enjoyed all by myself. Here's a cheaper way to enjoy some great steaks!

1. Buy a full, ribeye roast from your butcher. You'll have to cut everything yourself, but it's worth it!

2. There are many different grades to choose from. Doing this yourself can free up some money to buy a higher-grade meat. This is USDA Prime Beef. Look at that marbling!

3. The first step is to remove the ribs. Take your roast and flip it upside down.

4. Carefully cut and peel the ribs off of the roast.

5. Find the spaces between the bone and cut your ribs. These are perfect for smoking!

6. Now you're ready to start cutting your steaks. This roast was about 7lbs. and yielded (10) 1/2" steaks.

7. Breakfast! Sorry, you can't have the recipe for my famous red potatoes... Seal the steaks in individual bags and freeze them. You'll have steaks ready-to-go for any night of the week. They'll keep just fine for about 3 months.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Today marks 8 years of employment with my company. It has aged me terribly...

However, God is working behind-the-scenes in my favor!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6 (NKJV)

Anyone hiring...? ;)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Randomness 101

I think Oprah has too much power in this world. Coupled with her vanity (she is on the cover of her OWN magazine every month), I’m waiting for the whole empire known as Oprah to take a chapter from the book of Martha Stewart. If a book hasn’t been plugged on her show (or at least a movie made from its contents) it really isn’t worth reading, is it? This happens at my store every week. Some poor sap will approach me and ask if I have a book. That is as specific as the question gets as they can’t even remember the title of it. They’re next remark – “Well, it was on Oprah last week.” I am a single, 27 year-old, heterosexual male who works 60 hours a week. Exactly what part of my persona would suggest that I am Oprah’s core audience? Maybe I should start my quest to be famous and powerful. Once I have everybody’s attention, I’ll direct them to the Bible…

I’ve recently realized that listening to Sparta on my iPod will decrease my 2-mile run time by about 20-30 seconds. I don’t know what it is about their music… It just pumps me up! If I loop “Death in the Family” on their “Porcelain” album, I could probably run a marathon in 20 minutes.

Why is it when your colleagues discover you are single, they want to set you up with everybody they know? Is it sympathy, or is it some sick, twisted attempt to live vicariously through you? Yesterday, a co-worker of mine asked me if I was single. After I reluctantly answered, “yes” he proceeded to tell me that I should ask his niece out because she was, get this – “hot.” I sometimes wonder about people in Texas… Although I am grateful (I guess) that people are “looking out for me,” none of my colleagues have a clue as to what I look for in a woman. I can take out 90% of the guess work for you right now. Answer this simple question: Is she a woman of God? If the answer is yes, I might actually stop what I’m doing, make eye-contact and engage myself in the conversation.

I want to briefly share with you what has become my Monday night. A lot of you will make fun of me, but I don’t mind. I know who I am in Christ and I’m having a pretty good time. After I came home from my run and took a shower, I made two eggs in a basket, had a cup of hot tea and read another chapter of Captivating. I did all of this while being serenaded by Andrea Bocelli’s, “Romanza.” Ladies – you have no idea what you’re missing!

In Christ and humor,


Friday, December 14, 2007

Obediently stubborn.

Last week, I decided that I am tired of sleeping alone. Between the empty house and the cooler weather, I have no desire to sleep in my bed. Thursday of last week, I stripped my bed down to the mattress, bought new sheets and made the bed. I have been sleeping on the couch since then.

Why did I do this? Joyce Meyer’s husband, Dave, claims to have been saved while he was on the pot. Apparently, he faced some obstacles with an employer when he was younger. He calmly took a break, went to the restroom and sat on the commode. He told the Lord that he wasn’t getting up until God did something.

I know there is nothing that God has done for others that he won’t do for me. So, I refuse to sleep in my bed until God blesses me with the right person in which to share it.

Obediently stubborn,


Thursday, December 13, 2007



I would like to share something with you this evening. There are a lot of things that God has laid on my heart this week, but I wanted to take the time to write this one.

Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. I experienced hardship on every front of my existence. I struggled at work, with my finances, with my relationships and for the first time, with my faith. I’m not going to say that I lost my faith. In essence, it was my faith that restored me. However, I realized that the enemy has a new weapon and I found out how to overcome it.

My day: Working sixteen hours in one day is not healthy. Sixteen hours is a lot of time for the enemy to use. Satan uses this time to steal our joy, wear us down and make us empty. In the midst of all my struggles yesterday, I went to church. I didn’t feel convicted by the message, but I felt hopeless. As I went back to work, I could feel it. You know, that feeling that we don’t have much left inside us. I finished my work and headed to the house. As I drove home early in the morning, I could feel the tears trying to escape my head. To make things worse, I felt lonely. I had just had an awful day and I was driving home to an empty house.

The weapon: I want to tell you how dangerous life can be when we quit expecting. Usually when I have a hard time with my finances, I try to sow more money into the kingdom of God. When I feel lonely, I thank God for working on a companion for me. When I struggle with work I ask for favor and praise Him for anointing me in His name. But yesterday, for a split-second, I quit expecting. I felt that I didn’t have what it took to thank Him anymore.

Surrendering my life to Christ – again: Sometimes people ask me when I was saved. I usually answer with, “this morning.” We have to continually reaffirm our relationship with God. So, where was I? Oh, yes. I quit expecting. That’s when it happened. When I realized what I had done, I broke down. I lost it – emotionally, physically, spiritually... I got on my knees and in the middle of the room, in the early hours of the morning, surrendered myself to the Lord. I submitted my life, my schedule, my money, my time, my worries and my thoughts. Through the tears I prayed.

My prayer: As I said, the enemy has a weapon. In fact, he has many. However, my walk with God has built a heavy arsenal of His word. Not only can it be used to stop the devil in his tracks, but you can give God’s word back to Him – so He can bless us… So we can expect! I would like to share with you some scripture that means a lot to me.

“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Phillipians 4:13 (NIV)

This is probably my favorite scripture. We can do “everything.” I never knew how much strength these words possessed, until they literally brought me from my knees and back to my feet.

“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22 (NIV)

A companion means a lot to me. I know I am anointed by God. This anointing gives me favor with the Lord. He’s working on something awesome for me.

“And God said to him, ‘I've listened to and received all your prayers, your ever-so-passionate prayers. I've sanctified this Temple that you have built: My Name is stamped on it forever; my eyes are on it and my heart in it always. As for you, if you live in my presence as your father David lived, pure in heart and action, living the life I've set out for you, attentively obedient to my guidance and judgments, then I'll back your kingly rule over Israel, make it a sure thing on a solid foundation. The same guarantee I gave David your father I'm giving you: 'You can count on always having a descendant on Israel's throne.'” I Kings 9:3 (The Message)

God is a great and merciful God. He hears all of our prayers. There is nothing he has done for someone that he won’t do for us. We just have to stay in faith.

Friends, do NOT quit expecting. Pray. Agree with someone. Build your arsenal and don’t be afraid to use it. Know that I pray for you.

In Christ,


Saturday, December 1, 2007

A shorty...


God has laid something on my heart and I just wanted to share some thoughts. I would also like to solicit for some of your comments...

A couple of weekends ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend Joyce Meyer's conference at Lakewood church in Houston, TX. I've read some of her books / articles and try to catch her daily show in the mornings (usually via podcast).

Although her messages are dynamic and inspiring, it occurred to me that she really doesn't offer anything that her audience doesn't already know. I'm sure she knows this as well. My question is this: What is it that keeps us from applying what we know is right to our daily lives?

Excuses: We tend to justify not taking action or changing our behaviors when we really need to. This can involve anything from managing our finances to losing weight. What excuses do we use? I don't have time. I can't afford it. What does it take to break us of this dangerous mentality?

Discipline: This is something crucial that we tend to lack. Again, this can involve a myriad of circumstances. We even ask people to hold ourselves accountable because we are incapable of doing it ourselves. Then we get frustrated at said person for holding us (or not holding us) to the fire.

Laziness: This is the devil's favorite weapon. We simply fail to do anything because we "don't want to." How can we change our behavior when we don't even start?

So, how do we overcome this? God!

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13 (NKJV)

When we get the "I don't want to's", we need to pray! Don't give Satan a fighting chance. Keep your heart and your mind positive and thankful.

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Jesus Christ." 1 Thesallonians 5:16-18 (NLT)

Most of the time, it's the things that make us a better person that we don't want to do. What is it in your life? Focus on the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against these things!" Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

I totally respect and appreciate Paul's writing in the New Testament. However, I'm going to add one more fruit to the list – forgiveness. This is something that I have struggled with in the past. However, through Christ, I can do this.

"the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Collosians 1:26-27 (NIV).

Wow! This is where the fruit of the spirit can take us! It can make us so powerful that we can become Christ in the lives of other people.

What are you struggling with in your life? If you have financial trouble, bless others. If you need a friend, be a friend to someone else. If you want a new job, bless someone else with one first. We reap what we sow!

In Christ,


Thursday, October 4, 2007

UPDATE: My Story.

God is a good God. I received the following in my inbox this morning. Do you need a fresh start with God?

Fresh Start

Today's Scripture

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Do you need a fresh start today? Even as believers in Jesus, we all make mistakes and wrong choices. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But the good news is that we don’t have to stay separated from God in our sin. God wants us to come to Him so He can forgive and cleanse us and give us a fresh start. No matter what happened yesterday, or even five minutes ago, God is waiting for you with open arms. Don’t let the enemy condemn you and lie to you today. God is not mad at you. He loves you and longs to restore everything in your life. Confess your sins to God and allow Him to cleanse you today. Choose to forgive others so that you can receive God’s forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you close so that you can live a life pleasing to Him. As you draw close to God, He will draw close to you and show His great love and blessing all the days of your life!

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for receiving me just as I am. Today I confess my sins to You and ask You to cleanse me. I choose to forgive others so that You can forgive me. Keep me close so that I can live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Joel Osteen Ministries, 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77027
Copyright © 2007 by Joel Osteen Ministries

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Story.

Upon attending service at The Connection Church on 9/23/07, Pastor Cole invited the congregation to share (or at least write) our story. This story was to be a testimony of our faith and life with Jesus Christ. There were three discussion items that we were asked to share. The following is my story.

What was your life like before you became a Christ-follower? There are many ways one is "saved," or comes to Christ. Many grow up in the church, leave and come back. Many find God later in life. Some grow up with the Word and follow God their entire lives. I grew up in the church. My father went to service every Sunday and my mother was an organist for the chapel on Bergstrom Air Force Base. After it closed, she continued to play for churches in Austin. From the time I was an infant to the time I left home, I went to church every Sunday. I accepted Christ into my heart and was baptized at a very young age. I had wonderful opportunities to learn about God, minister to others and even preach a sermon to the congregation on Sunday morning. I did, however, experience a time in my life where I started to stray from God. I've lately been attending church multiple times a week and try to connect myself with those who live for Christ. I can honestly say that during the times I chose my will over God's, I was angry, unhappy, empty and confused. At the very moment that I changed my course, my troubles subsided. No matter the circumstances, this is the reality: Whether saved at an early age or a newborn Christian, we have to recommit our lives to God everyday. Why?

"There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came through Christ Jesus." Romans 3:22-24 (NIV)

Tell about your experience of surrendering your life to Jesus. As I mentioned earlier, we all find Christ in different ways (if at all). People often ask when I was saved. The truth is that I am saved everyday. Pastor Don Duncan at Tree of Life church in New Braunfels, TX has been teaching a series, called "God: AKA." This evening, we learned about the name, Jehova Tsidkenu - The Lord, our Righteousness. We were reminded that we are loved by Christ not because we deserve it, but because of who and what God really is - Righteous. When we confess our sins, we proclaim (again) that God is our savior. We can then thank Him for paying the price with His blood. We are bought and paid for by His love. God is righteous and the only one worthy of our love. Why?

"For we do not have a high-priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin." Hebrews 4:15 (NIV)

What has your life been like since you trusted Christ? The times that I have walked closest with God have also been the happiest and most rewarding times in my life. It is when we walk with Him that he is able to use us instead of just bless us. When we minister to others, God will minister to us.

"He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land - your grain, new wine and oil - the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land that he swore to your forefathers to give you." Deuteronomy 7:13 (NIV)

"However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land of the Lord, your God is giving you to posess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you," Deuteronomy 15:4 (NIV)

Trusting God also give us a new-found strength, no matter the circumstances.

"I know how to live with almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:12-13 (NLT)

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all cicumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)

Remember: True happiness and salvation comes from putting God first, but it is a daily exercise. Christ paid the price for our sins, but we need to re-commit ourselves to Him continually. There are many people and cicumstances in our lives that take us on our journey. I was once told that, "People are placed in our lives to plant a seed, water the soil or watch it grow." My story is still being written. How about yours? I am born-again daily. This is my testimony.

In Christ,



Hey, guys!

Well, it seems that my employer has deemed myspace "unprofessional." As a result, my profile is now private and may not exist much longer. As myspace hosted all of my blog entries, I was required to find a new site. I have completed the daunting task of transferring most of my blogs to this site. I will post on both sites simultaneously until I decide what to do with the myspace account. I hope all of you are doing well.

In Christ,


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why singles should slow down.

Too often, singles fill their lives with friends, activities and vocations to combat their loneliness.

I will be the first to admit that this happens. I know some of you are saying, "I'm not lonely." Let me also be the first to tell you that you're not being honest with yourself. The more we inundate ourselves with draining relationships, pointless studies and slave labor, the less room we're going to have to nurture a relationship. Allow me to explain:

Friendships: Many singles tend to make a LOT of friends after a break-up. The truth is that all of the companionship you once enjoyed is now gone. Consequently, we attempt to fill the void by initiating friendships with anyone who will give us the time of day. You'll also re-kindle all of those friendships that you had before. So, what's the harm?

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)

Are you making and maintaining the right friendships? Do these people lift you up? Do they support you? Do they encourage you? Or do you spend the majority of your time together huffing on the end of a RediWhip can and leaving brown paper-bags on doorsteps? It's better to be alone than in the wrong relationship. This goes for friends, too. When you meet someone, it's a natural fact that you won't spend as much time with your friends (but you'll still make time for them). True friendships pick-up right where they left off. Make sure that you leave enough of your heart prepared to share with someone special.

Activities: Singles tend to have about 50 hobbies at any given time. We'll also start using our mental muscle to absorb all of the information around us. We'll read books we don't enjoy or understand, sign up for that underwater basket-weaving class at the local community college and blog continuously. So, what's the big deal?

"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." Proverbs 4:23 (GN)

Are we really feeding our minds or are we distracting them from the right thoughts? A quiet and peaceful mind is much more beneficial in a relationship than a tired, busy one. Don't fill your schedule with empty tasks.

Vocations: A lot of singles bury themselves in work to keep their thoughts and emotions from dealing with the single-life. We essentially never learn to deal with the issue. We pour the better years of our lives into a job. In most cases, it's to pad someone's bank-account - not to help and minister to others. Whose approval are we seeking? Our boss? Our own? Our peers? The money?

"But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right) and then all these things taken together will be given you besides" Matthew 6:33 (AMP)

I certainly don't want the company logo on my tombstone. I want to leave my mark in this world by the number of people I helped and loved - not the sales I generated or the costs I cut.

My point: Granted, when I meet that special-someone, my friends will see a little less of me, the blogs will slow and I'll quit my job (okay, probably not). However, be careful of the company you keep, the things you do and the job that is NOT your life. Always be ready for what God has next for you. If you're not careful, you might miss it. It's okay to be single. It's okay to slow down.



Monday, September 3, 2007

Perception and Truth.

Believe it or not, this blog was already written in its entirety. It was eloquent, insightful, informative and funny - a true masterpiece. Then, I freakin' lost it... Myspace has too many users for it to function properly even 10 percent of the time. And now, ladies and gentleman, without further ado - the blog I've already written!

I would like to pose the following question: What do we do when being open and honest has the potential to change someone's perception of other people? I've been struggling with this all week. I wrote a shorty last night. The following material is the result of that tiny blog after it has grown in my mind for over 24 hours. All of the following events are true. Only the names, locations and events have been altered...

Fact: Perception may not be the truth about you, but perception is often what people use to make their decisions about you.

Life: People often ask me why my son's mother and I are not together anymore. I usually don't respond to this question - at least with any detail. It's an attempt to eliminate any bias and maintain dignity and integrity between us. My failure to answer said question gives the perception that I am being dishonest (that I have something to hide). The truth is that no one should have to endure the things that I had to go through. However, the truth would violently shift a person's perception of my ex. Remember - specific, behavioral-based FACTS!

Friendships: I recently had a friendship that fell-through. The truth is that our relationship was NOT a friendship. This person often brought me down, failed to keep promises, took advantage of my good-nature and never supported me. Unfortunately, we shared some mutual friends. Once again, the truth would greatly alter our friends' perception of said individual.

Work: I once managed a very polite, cheerful and friendly employee. However, this employee never produced any work. When I requested performance feedback from other people who had managed this employee before, they always said, "Oh, so-and-so is really nice." That was not the question that I had asked. When I was asked by my supervisor about so-and-so's performance, I was truthful in my response. My statement was based on specific, behavioral-based examples of so-and-so's failure to meet expectations. I was immediately scolded for providing such feedback. My honesty threatened to change the perception of said employee, not to mention my job.

Christianity: As if being a Christian isn't hard enough, we are continually required to redeem ourselves for foolish stunts like these. Christians quickly form perceptions of other people (non-believers) as well as other Christians. Many people have been put-off by Christianity, God, faith and religion. Can you blame them? I'm not saying that it's right to give up, but I can easily see why someone would react in this manner. We, as Christians have to concede to the truth that we are sinners. We cannot be hypocritical.

The answer: Are you ready for this? Honesty is the most important. Perceptions will always change - it's a flavor of the week. Truth is forever. So why is it so hard to be honest? Because it means that we will often stand alone - isolated by our peers. Why do we get so defensive and angry when we have to change our perceptions in light of what we know is true? Because it means we were wrong! It's okay - we're human!

The point: There will always be multiple sides to every story. Make sure to dismiss your perceptions. Seek the truth. It's not that hard to find - there's only one place you have to look...

God bless,


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Friday, August 31, 2007

My life as a car.

Picture, if you will...

DeLorean DMC-12
Manufactured 1979
Assembled 1981
Stainless steel body parts
Not immediately accepted by the public
Way ahead of its time
Very rare
Featured in "Back to the Future"
Previous owners regret parting with them
2007 MSRP would be $62,300
Takes a special person to appreciate them

Manufactured 1979
Assembled 1980
Stainless steel body piercings
Not immediately accepted by the public
Too mature for my age
Very rare
Loves "Back to the Future"
Previous girlfriends regret parting with him
2007 MSRP is priceless
Takes a special person to appreciate him

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Traveling alone, single-serving friends and being a minister of God...

After plans of going to Vegas kept falling through, I whimsically chose to do the trip on my own. I've traveled alone many times, but I've always had friends or family at my destination. This is the first time that I took a vacation by myself.

With plenty of things to do in Vegas, I started to concern myself with the actual travel. The hours preceding my flight were filled with nerves and anticipation. I started to wonder if my social isolation would drive me to the brink of insanity or cause me to learn more about myself than I cared to know. I then asked God to use me as a minister for his will. It's fun to initiate conversation with a total stranger - knowing you'll probably never see them again. However, I wanted to see if I could have a quality conversation about my favorite topic - God. What if I was the closest thing to God that anyone I met would ever know? Scary, I know... :) Wouldn't it be nice to share some of my experiences in hopes that it would inspire someone to long for a closer relationship with Him?!

My first flight from Austin to Denver was rather uneventful. I sat next to an elderly couple that seemed not only uninterested in talking to me, but a little uneasy by my presence. A message to said generation: Not all young people are drugged-up, sex-crazed, disrespectful hooligans.

My connecting flight that day was a different experience. I was seated, awaiting take-off. A young woman sat next to me and asked me how long the flight was. I answered and then asked a series of generic questions - just to feel her out. I noticed that she had a ring on her finger and asked how long she had been engaged/married. This is when the conversation took-off. She met her husband on the praise and worship team of her church. We shared our experiences with our faith and talked about our churches. It was a wonderful conversation. She then asked why I was going to Vegas. I told her my situation, my previous concerns and the belief that God wanted me to go for a reason. She then told me, "You're doing the right thing. Good for you." Our plane landed and we walked to claim our bags. After we said our good-byes, I realized that she was a minister to me on that flight. She reassured me, gave me hope (the story of her marriage was awesome), lifted me up and helped me understand that God was talking to me. What a great single-serving friend!

My time in Vegas was wonderful (as always). I got to see and do things that I haven't had a chance to do before. My return flight was fast-approaching and I started for the airport.

Check-in was a disaster. I found myself asking, once again, why I agreed to fly Continental. My tickets somehow "dropped out" of the system. I can't win the lottery, but I can sure be "randomly" selected for Security Screening at any airport. The only thing lacking was a body-cavity search...

Once again, my first flight was rather uneventful. I sat next to an elderly couple with some apparent health issues. They didn't really seem to be in the mood for conversation - just sleep. I arrived in Houston for my connecting flight.

My flight was delayed. Why did I fly Continental again? However, I tried to approach the question with more maturity. Why was my flight delayed? It was not an inconvenience, it was for a reason. I just had this feeling. God was setting this whole thing up so that I would encounter something or someone at just the right time. I even told this to a friend over the phone as I waited. We made a joke that I would meet someone interesting and it would only be for the 30 minutes it would take to fly home.

I finally boarded and I took my seat. The seat next to me remained empty. Boarding was complete, but the cabin doors were still open. God then told me that the seat next to me would be filled and to do his will. Seconds later, a young woman in a flight-attendant's uniform took the seat next to me. She looked exhausted. She let out a sigh and rested her eyes. I turned my reading light off in hopes that it would make her more comfortable. A few seconds later, she stirred and I asked if she was headed home. She stated that she was and that due to my delayed flight, she was able to go home earlier than she anticipated. Bingo! - the reason. She immediately sprang up in her seat and started talking to me. She was suddenly all-smiles. She asked me advice on what to buy her brother for his birthday and asked about my trip. I told her that God told me to take this trip and mentioned my desire to do his will. She then told me about her experience with God (raised Presbyterian, like myself) and how she was striving and praying for a closer relationship with him. She also mentioned the last message she heard about church and its ministers. She then made the allusion that I was being a minister to her! Wow! Did I succeed? Someone who gets it! I asked her name and introduced myself (after talking for about 30 minutes). I took out my prayer list and added her name to it. She asked what I was doing. I told her that I would help her pray for her relationship with Christ. As we landed and got off the plane, we walked towards the baggage claim. She was on her way home and I needed to get my bag. I extended my hand to say my good-bye and that it was a pleasure to meet her. She dropped everything and wrapped her arms around me. I hadn't had a hug in a while. I noticed at that point that being a minister of God allows you to make ministers of other people. I'll always remember my single-serving friends...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My trip to AutoZone.

Today, our church celebrated its 3rd birthday. I realize that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was an awesome day.

I woke up this morning with plenty of time to get ready, go to the store (so I had something for the picnic) and get to church ON TIME (which is very important to me). I woke up, read the Word, got ready, jumped in my truck and turned the key. Nothing. Great. Now, "old James" would have put his fist right through the windshield (okay maybe not that, but some choice words would have been used at length and with total conviciton). Something would have definitely been thrown, too. Ever see the movies where birds scatter at the echo of a well-yelled curse word? Yeah - that used to be me. Instead, I calmly called a friend and she picked me up, drove me to the store (she needed something, too) and took me to church. See? Not so bad. I can get over this.

Church was awesome and I enjoyed some GREAT fellowship. Pics can be found under "The Connection Church" album. My friend dropped me off and even jumped my truck so I could take it to AutoZone.

Today has been one of the hottest days in a while. Our service and activities were outside and it was SWELTERING! I was tired, exhausted and sweaty. I know - gross, right? I finally make it to AutoZone w/ no A/C. I wait in line for what seems to be somewhere between 5 and 6 hours. I finally get my vehicle tested. The battery. Yeah, I pretty much knew. Of course, I had to turn the vehicle off to test the battery. I walk inside and make an extremely UNPLANNED purchase for the week. I walk outside, get in the truck and turn the key. Nothing. I was pretty much counting on this. No big deal - I grab my tools and get to work. Besides, I won't have to make 2 trips to dispose of my old battery and get my $12 core-charge. I get to it.

Did I mention that it was hot today? My tools started to burn me. The concrete baked my feet from underneath me. The store was busy. Cars and exhaust made the parking lot pretty toasty. Sweat poured from me like a faucet. My t-shirt was soaked. Why was it so hot? More importantly, why was I so WET?

Oh, could it be the freakin' thunderstorm I was in? Yeah. It was sunny as it could be, too! What is that about? Why couldn't I have 5 minutes? There wasn't a cloud in the sky all day - not even now! I continued with my work. Yeah, you know in the rain... with wet hands... metal tools and a battery... standing in a puddle, no less. Smart... I've already told you my short-comings with electricity this year.

Yes. Needless to say, I was quite uncomfortable - trying my best not to touch certain metal parts of said project. I ran inside, deposited my old battery and headed home. As I left the parking lot, I commended God on his sense of humor. Then I asked myself what I was supposed to take away from this experience. Maybe it was just a test of patience. Maybe God just wanted to see if I'm willing to walk in faith like I say I am. Or... Maybe I just needed another stupid story to tell.

God bless,


Thursday, August 23, 2007

What I've learned in the last 365 days.

As I complete another revolution around the sun, I would like to share what I've learned in the last 365 days.

Being a Christian is hard.
Sin takes you farther than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay and costs you more than you want to pay.
God has a purpose for ALL of us.
Being blessed by God and being used by God are two, completely different things.
Believe to receive.
Bless to be blessed.
Put your feet to your faith.

Personal Growth:
I don't need someone to be with me to enjoy certain activities. Drinking coffee, taking a trip and going to concerts are all things that I can do alone. Having someone there doesn't necessarily mean that they will enhance the experience in any way. In fact, some will bring you down.

Friendships and Relationships:
Lonliness leads to settling.
Most of the time, I can only relate to people 30 years of age and older.
There is no such thing as a "bad friend." These people aren't your friends.
Sometimes you have to cut-out people who bring you down or drain you emotionally and spiritually.
God puts people in our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
MOST people don't know what they want.

I will probably never have a good birthday.
Your birthday is more for your family and friends than it is for you. Let them celebrate it!

Capacitors hurt.

Believe and Receive!

I receive these every morning via phone / email. It is the first thing I read every morning - sometimes before I even get out of bed. I used to have my quiet-time with God before I went to bed. Then I realized that I was putting on my spiritual armor only to go to sleep. This one was sent to me by a friend before I subscribed. At the time, I was beginning to lose hope with a couple of situations. This message helped me realize that even when you're all alone, even when you begin to lose hope, pray to God and thank Him for the answer to your prayers. I meant to post this a while back, but never did. Blessed are vacations that allow us to catch up on some of these things.

In Christ,


Believe and Receive

Today's Scripture
“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24, NIV).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Has God spoken things to your heart that haven’t come to pass yet? Sometimes when we are believing for things, it’s easy to let circumstances and the pressures of life drag us down. But when you make the choice to receive your promise by picturing it in your mind’s eye, and declaring it with the words of your mouth, your faith becomes stronger. You begin to feel more confident. You begin to feel more settled. You begin to have joy and peace because you know God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. What are you believing for God to do in your life today? Can you see it in your mind’s eye? Can you see yourself healed? Can you see yourself paying off that last debt? Can you see yourself at your ideal weight? Can you see yourself sharing the gospel with a family member or coworker? Ask the Lord to give you the picture of what He sees when He looks at you. As you open your heart and allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts, and your receive His promises by faith, just like it says in the above verse—whatever you ask for in prayer will be yours!

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to serve You. Thank You for the gift of faith. I ask that you search my heart and mind and remove anything that does not please you. Give me your thoughts of peace and joy today so that I can learn to receive all you have for me today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Joel Osteen Ministries, 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77027
Copyright © 2007 by Joel Osteen Ministries

Sunday, July 1, 2007

UPDATE: Thinking out loud - so to speak.

Yesterday, I was in the middle of smoking some food when I completed Tuesdays with Morrie. My parents were coming to town to eat, watch the fireworks and share some of the weekend with me. Though proud of my accomplishment, I was a little upset that I had so quickly completed the novel. Reading the work of Mitch Albom has really become a serene activity of late.

Upon entering the door, my mother handed me a book and said "You might enjoy this one." Having never told her about the books I read, I received a novel entitled For One More Day, by Mitch Albom. If you've read my previous blog, I mentioned how my introduction to his work has been somewhat serendipitous. It just goes to show how "meant-to-be" some things are. I'm excited to start this one in the hopes that I can further explore myself and this life through a different perspective. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to share my experience along the way...

There is one chapter in Tuesdays with Morrie entitled, The Thirteenth Tuesday We Talk About the Perfect Day. With his death quickly approaching, Morrie talks about his perfect day. It would include waking up, eating breakfast, sharing the rest of his day with family and friends and having a deep, wonderful sleep.

Such perfection can be found in such an "average" day. Today I woke up, ate breakfast, went to church, spent the afteroon learning even more about Christ with my pastor and went to the movies with some friends from church- new and old. After the movie, Evan Almighty (I highly recommend it), we sat at Chili's and had a GREAT conversation. Sure, having Luke would have made it even better... But here I sit, ready for my peaceful slumber - thinking: WOW, that was the perfect day.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Thinking out loud - so to speak.


Here we are again. Me: sitting at my computer. The soft-pitched whine of the spinning fans keeping me company in the dark. The soft glow of the monitor provides just enough light to illuminate the room so I can find my cup of coffee. The craving to share my thoughts have swept over me, forcing me to appease my blogging addiction.

I want to share my introduction to Mitch Albom. Though, I've never met him, a higher power has made it a point to make sure that his work was introduced to me.

October 25th, 2006 - As I'm looking for a new-to-me book to read at Half Priced Books, I literally almost trip over a novel lying on the floor. The Five People You Meet in Heaven is actually "glowing" up at me. I pick it up and begin to read. A purchase is made and I head to Mozart's to feed my mind. Who knew that my soul would enjoy a good meal, too?

June 26th, 2007 - I am once again at Half Priced Books, looking for a book of poems by Robert Browning. A book is mis-slotted right next to the one I want. It looks familiar. A hard-bound book is etched with a font that I have seen before. Another novel by Mitch Albom - Tuesdays with Morrie. I am probably the only living soul that has yet to read it. A purchase is made and I head to Mozart's. I easily tear through 100 pages - more than half the book in less than two hours.

Each time I read these books, my mind and emotions are exercised to the point of physical exhaustion. It's proof that mind, body and soul are connected. Whether I'm at home or a local coffee shop, I spend the drive home and/or that night in bed unable to sleep because of the passages I have read. This might also explain the late-night writing...

These two books have focused intently on death. They are portrayed in a beautiful manner, not in a morbid sense. Both are easy reads. His work does not have to be disected at the literary level, but it makes you think in your own, unique way. These books have made me ask myself a lot of questions. The following is a few of the answers that I have found.

My time here has already been determined. What I do with it is solely up to me. Though God already knows how every play of my life will occur, I have been given the free will to make my own choices and decisions. I grasped this concept even as a child in elementary school. I proudly sported a t-shirt once a week (usually Fridays) that stated: "You're born. You die. What happens in between is up to you." Death has a way of making you live. I am chronically ill. Although it will probably not claim my life, it will make it extremely uncomfortable at times. Since I was told about my disease, I spent only a few days on self-pity and fear. That was enough. I'm reminded enough about it through how I physically feel to recognize that it's there. This recognition is only necessary so that I can combat it the best I can with my medication and diet. There is nothing I could have done to prevent it. I'm genetically predisposed, so there is no reason for regret. However, it has made me appreciate "the little things" even more. Even the simple act of wiping my own ass is a blessing. One day, I might not have an ass to wipe. A colostomy is the only cure for my disesase...

Lately, I have intimately contemplated what I have done with my life and whether or not I am proud of what I have accomplished. I guess I'm trying to discover the meaning of life while I'm still alive. My brain won't be able to figure it out when I die. Here are two definitions that I have come across during my life. I agree with both of them.

The meaning of life is to live it. I live life in a unique way - as does everyone else. However, I've recently discovered that I am different than most people. I get more out of this life because I am emotionally advanced. A hightened emotional life is both the cause and effect of my lagging mental capacity and physical qualities. My social skills are also a disaster. Everything that happens to me is experienced on an extreme emotional level. A sunset can bring tears to my eyes. A kind word can put me on a high for days, if not more. I'm not moody or manic-depressive. I just ride this rollercoaster with a certain, white-knuckled intensity. This usually opens myself up to the accusation of being too sensitive, etc. In this society, we're so quick to treat people who exhibit this behavior with insults and medicine. These people have a gift. Don't get me wrong - if your emotions cause you to be a threat to yourself or others, you probably need some help. My emotions don't run me. I don't embrace them. I own them.

The meaning of life is to love and worship God. It is important to be part of something bigger than yourself. It's also the tell-tale sign of a true romantic. Too many things have happened in my life for it all to be a coincidence. However, I can't use those events to explain my relationship with God. Faith is what separates those who love God and those who believe he exists - just in case.

So, am I happy? If I pass in my sleep tonight, can I let it all go? Absolutely. Sure, there are a lot of things that I still want to do. I want to be a great father to my son. I want to make new memories in old places. There are some things that I enjoy that I shared with the wrong person. I also have the desire to leave a mark in this world, but with one, simple twist.
There is probably only one way to enrich my life. It's something I have no control over, though. But sometimes I think: "Wouldn't it be grand to meet someone on my path?" As I mentioned before, I am somewhat of a romantic. I feel as though I live with only half of a heart. The other half is with someone else. The only thing I really "want" is to find it. How blissful it would be to spend my life with someone that could teach me and learn from me. So often I've thought about how to leave my mark in this world. What I really want is to co-create a relationship that would let us leave our's. Although I'm only at the tender age of 26, I sometimes feel that any time without this person is time wasted - especially if I die sooner than later. I'm hoping God will send that person to me sooner than later, too. Times like these remind me of two things my father once told me:

Don't waste good time. There was a time in my life where I harbored a lot of anger at people who hurt and/or betrayed me. People still hurt and betray me, but I forgive a lot quicker. You have to let go. Don't let other people ruin your time on this earth.

The hardest time in a young man's life is between the ages of 20 and 30. God, this is so true! My life has been a rocky road for the last several years. I know people frown at the notion of getting older, but he's probably right. Maybe God's waiting until I get there before I sabatoge both our lives - unintentional as it may be.

I can be a patient person and servant of God. Quite frankly, I only want one more relationship - my last one. If I have to spend the next few (several, whatever) years alone to get there - so be it. Why do all of my blogs get steered in this direction?

People often have a hard time taking me seriously. Either because I'm joking all the time or because I write things that seem too personal and intimate to share. When times get tough, I often find myself laughing and joking through them. It isn't a device to mask my hurt - but sometimes things get so out of control, the only thing left to do is laugh about them. The truth is, I want everyone who cares to know about me to know the true me. Besides, if you read this and feel inspired, changed or better in any way, then I have been able to give you a small gift. I live for moments like that.

God bless,


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Connection Group.

I generally consider myself to be a happy person. However, I have had many obstacles to face and overcome this week. God doesn't place things in front of us that we are unable to handle. I face great challenges because I have the strength to do so. I have the strength to give them back to God.

This week I felt like I was at the end of my rope. Friendships went sour, work was a disaster and I've had to pull myself away from people and situations that were not healthy for me.

I did it! Through God and friends that came through for me at just the right time, I have returned to the James that I am supposed to be. Sorry for the blog, but I feel so liberated!

Thank-you to my Lord and Savior who already knew I would write this. Thank-you to my church group who really reached out to me tonight and will never read this. Thank-you to those special friends, though few and far between, who never give up on me.

Monday, June 18, 2007

One Art.

Though a beautiful turn of phrase, I'm afraid it's not my own. I heard this poem today and it really spoke to me. Enjoy.

One Art.

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

-Elizabeth Bishop

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I don't understand, but I do.

I am actually way too busy to be messing around on the computer, let alone write a blog. However, this seems to be my new hobby of late... Let me quickly fill you in on my day:

Grocery shopping
Peugeot (if this guy doesn't buy it, I'm setting it on fire)
Run-around on getting Luke tonight
Appointment with my tattoo artist (I only have Luke until 8).
More work

I'm not complaining, I'm just pointing out how ironic it is that I continue to write this.

Now, the story. I've been working all week on a friend's PC. Why? Because I'm a nerd. What of it? To protect the identity of said friend, we'll call them Pat. Yeah - nice unisex name, huh?

Pat has frequently visited to check on my progress. However, it seems to be an excuse to leave the house. Pat, who never really wants to do anything, has wanted to hang out a lot more lately. Pat's spouse has apparently been a little needy lately (according to Pat). It's also why Pat and I never end up hanging out. Good thing for Pat that I have a lot of time on my hands (except today - we covered this).

It then occurred to me that I would love to have what Pat has. It's not envy, but I would love to come home to a caring spouse! Don't get me wrong - being single isn't awful, but yes, sometimes I get lonely. It's not in the sense that I have to be with someone, but I do miss having a best friend with whom to share things. I miss talking about my day, I miss having someone think about me, I miss sharing a bed with someone, etc. I wish someone needed me from time to time. By the way, there is a difference between being a little needed and being totally abused.

I know I take this a little far by using the word, "spouse." "Significant other" would also be appropriate. I would like to lie awake each night - taking just a little longer to fall asleep because someone special was on my mind (okay, it happens now, but that's another blog); And at the same time know she fell asleep just a little easier because she knew I adored her.

My point? Be thankful, Pat! Marriage is compromise. Both parties have to conceed to the truth that it DOES takes work. However, the notion of spending the rest of your life with your best friend is absolutely beautiful!

I guess I'm glad I get to vicariously learn these lessons so I don't mess things up when I finally get my chance. Just thought I'd share...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Renoir, Jimi Hendrix, loose ends, poetry and fatigue...

This blog has been a long time coming. A lot of it has been building up in my head and heart for the last 24 hours or so - or maybe it was some final straw to force me to do something about it. This also serves as an outlet to get some things off of my chest without directly putting a burden on my friends. After all, you don't HAVE to read this.

Renoir - Luncheon of the Boating Party

Look at it closely. It's a perfect personification of my life. It always has been. Are Renoir and myself the only two people that have walked this earth who feel this way? I'm reminded everyday of how different I really am. This painting hangs in my living room. It doesn't depress me, so it's not bad Feng Shui or self-destructive. In a weird way, it comforts me. It makes me feel understood.

Jimi Hendrix.

When I was younger (pre-college), I used to listen to a lot of Jimi Hendrix. Recently, a couple of artists have covered one of my favorite songs, Bold as Love. Life has definitely happened since the last time I listened to it and I have a new-found appreciation for the lyrics. I think my obsessive-compulsive nature has caused me to overplay the song (by most standards). However, for some reason, it's really hitting home this week.

Loose ends.

A few months ago, I saw a friend that I hadn't seen in a while. Circumstances (actually, another person) that particular evening really made our reunion unpleasant and ackward. Though out of my control, I felt really bad about the situation that dampered the evening. I ran into her this past weekend. We both apologized (though neither of us were at fault) and cleared the air. It's funny how things resolve themselves when the time is right. It shouldn't have happened any sooner. I had to let go of some other feelings before I was ready to hear what she had to say.


Although I am the worst poet to ever roam this earth, I like to convey my thoughts and feelings in a more artistic form. I guess it makes me feel more intelligent due to my normal, everyday lack of eloquence. Actually, to even use the word, "poet" for what I write is injustice to its existence. Last month, I came across a poem that I had written a LONG time ago. It's not addressed to anyone in particular. Okay, it is - but I have no idea who that person is. I've recently started to add to it - I don't know if it's inspiration or boredom. Someday I will be able to finish it. And someday (if the day ever comes) I will get to read it aloud and share it. Why does it make this blog? I guess because of how much it means to me and the sheer anxiety and suspense that is included with keeping it the only secret that I have.

I need a vacation. Until I am able to relax, I have a feeling that the intoxicating effects of working like crazy are going to manifest themselves in blogs like this.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Untitled 1.

I try so hard to find your color
Lost in a rainbow abyss.
My favorite shade of red gets covered
Only by a sense of bliss.

What left then, when all to lose?
And furthermore, all to gain?
Waiting for God's will to choose
A painless form of pain.

Boldness has never been so shy
Though windows have been opened.
The classic battle of asking why -
Hopeless hope for hoping.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

For those of you who don't believe me...

A couple of people have called me and asked what I was doing this evening. I told them I was helping my friend build a toy-barn for his son (so he has a place for his menagerie). For some reason, some of you didn't believe me. I guess my quasi-defensive nature has forced me to provide proof. Besides, I always enjoy the opportunity for a pointless blog.

1/4" birch press-board - $8

Wood glue that's been sitting in the garage for 2 years - $2.59

PowerShot electric staple / nail gun that ended up to be defective when it was brought home - $19.99

Craftsman manual staple gun and staples - $16.99

Dremel - $39.99

6 pk. of Bud Light - $4.29

Band-Aids - $2.98

Trip to the emergency room - $350

Blood spilled - 4oz.

Labor - 3 hours x 2 idiots = 6 hours

Making a toy for great kid that you could have easily purchased for $20 in the matter of minutes but decided to venture the road less travelled - PRICELESS.

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there's Mastercard. For anything not mentioned earlier, there's always 2 water-heads that sometimes wonder how they became such great friends and happen to live 100ft. away from each other - causing them to create more mischief than is socially acceptable.

P.S. - No idiots were harmed in the making of this barn.

Friday, June 1, 2007



At approximately 6:40pm on this day of our Lord;

The First Day of June in the Year Two Thousand and Seven

The 1991 WaveJammer 500G came to life. I can't wait to get it wet! I am a GEN-IUS! That's for all of you "Grandma's Boy" fans...

This one's for you, Uncle Larry!


Friday, May 25, 2007

Random acts of kindness... - Part II

Wow, a day off! Well, sort of... I got to work from home... After I was through with my responsibilities, I figured I would visit my folks in New Braunfels. My dad wanted to install new components on his PC and had troubles with his chainsaw. What can I say? I'm a jack of all trades... :) I was also hoping that he would be up to go shooting (seeing as how I bought him a S&W .22 a couple of years ago and he STILL hasn't put a single round through it).

As I drove south on I35, I decided to stop at the San Marcos Starbucks for a hot, delicious latte. Rainy days are good coffee days, right? As I approached the order box, I suddenly said to myself, "I want to do something to brighten someone's day today." I decided that I'd offer to pay for the order behind me if someone drove into the line.

At that moment, a SUV pulled in behind me. I promptly ordered my beverage and continued to the window. The woman behind me looked frazzled, stressed and tired. My heart started to pound. I felt a sense of exhiliration. I asked the young woman at the window if I could pay for the car behind me. She ran my Starbucks card (ridiculous, I know) for the appropriate amounts. I didn't tell the cashier anything else, leave my business card or anything. I wanted to be totally anonymous.

As I drove off, another rush of adrenaline came over me. Not that I did anything profound, but I felt that I had gotten away with something. For those of you who read my blogs, this post might look similar to my 11/18/06 entry. Once again, I wanted to experience what pastor Cole Phillips once sent me in an email. "What a fun and simple way to brighten someone's day and connect it back to God's love."

As I continued on my drive, I had a grin from ear to ear. It's moments like these that truly make me happy. Consider what it did for the other person... It's a gloomy day and it was fun to brighten someone else's. I'll never meet that woman, know what she was thinking or how she reacted; but wouldn't you remember something like that for a long time? Pass it on!

God bless,


Sunday, March 11, 2007

My parents pray for me...

I picked up gemstones today
They were beautiful
It matters not anymore
Red turns into orange
I cry in front of strangers
I send them all back
It's just like fishing the sea
You can't keep all caught
Time-change is more than it seems
My hourglass empties
I tried to the very end
But I grew too weak
My parents pray for me...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I think I'll go to the range tomorrow...

My heart is pumping quickly
Something's building up
Punch a Mack truck with my fist
I startle her, now
I apologize, but why?
I fall back asleep
Why can't I know God's sure plan?
I want to know now
I think I'll go to the range tomorrow...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Capacitors hurt.

ca.pac.i.tor - n. An electric circuit element used to store charge temporarily, consisting in general of two metallic plates separated by a dielectric. Formerly called "condensor."

Wednesday 1/17/07 - I am looking for "AA" batteries to put in the weather radio at work. I figure the best way to get free batteries is to open OTUCs (one-time-use-cameras) until I had the four, required batteries for my application. There is a tool that is used to open the cameras, but naturally, I cannot find it. So, I start throwing them at the ground. This not only grants me quick access to said batteries but is fun at the same time. I finally destroy enough OTUCs to get my batteries. As I am picking up my mess, I feel a charge run up my arm. Capacitors hurt.

Friday 1/19/07 - I am looking for fuses in my garage (car trouble). My hands are a little wet from the rain. I see the fuses I need. They are behind a 1/2 farad capacitor used for car stereo subwoofers. As I pick it up - making contact with the terminals, I feel a charge run up my arm. Capacitors hurt.

A message to Central Texas:

When the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Department of Public Safety, The National Weather Service, mulitple law enforcement agencies and the media tell you to stay home because of inclement weather and icy road conditions, why do you not listen? Furthermore, why do you choose to go shopping at the grocery store? For those of you who work in retail, I understand why you had to work - because every working stiff with a 9-5 who did not have to go to work wants to come to your place of employment (after you were pretty muched forced by your supervisor to brave the weather) and give you crap. I work in Pflugerville and live in Kyle (which is a blog for another day). On one of the icy days this week, even I knew better to stay home. Why? Because I refused to go ice-skating in my pickup when there were over 200 accidents and EMS calls. Let me share with you some of the orders that I saw at my store this week, though.

1. 1 container of sour cream.

2. Beer, beer and more beer.

3. 1 half-gallon of ice-cream.

4. 1 bottle of Paris Hilton for men.

5. A CHI iron.

6. A magazine and a coke.

7. Frozen dinners - your power is going to be the first thing that goes out.

These are just a few examples. Was it really worth your life? How about your family's life? I saw people who packed up their entire families just to go to the store and buy a lottery ticket. Do you really need some unfortunate, horrific ordeal to teach you a simple lesson? Maybe you can ask the families who lost a loved-one that day. Maybe you should drive through Buda and inspect the remains of a violent and uneccessary accident that occurred on I-35 Tuesday. Next time you're told by the multitude of experts to stay home, I suggest you do it.

Now, for those of you who have to travel in this weather (retail slaves, public service employees, emergency staff) - let me give you a few suggestions.

1. Stay home.

2. De-ice your car - all of it. Visibility is important. You need to see (windshields) and people need to see you (ligths / markers). Plus, when you're on the road, Bernoulli's principle will quickly cause sheets of ice to lift off of your car, endangering other motorists.

3. Allow your car to fully warm-up. Not only will this make you more comfortable (because the last thing you need to focus on is how cold you are, etc.) but it will allow various mechanical systems such as your brakes, suspension and steering to thaw out - maximizing their perfomance.

4. Turn 4X4 on. This does not make you invincible, but it is nice to have your drive-train planted at 4 points intstead of 1 or 2.

5. Turn Overdrive off. The last thing you want is the computer jerking gears around when your traction is limited.

6. Slow down - It is not the Indy 500. A good speed is 35-40 mph. Take ramps and overpasses around 15-20 mph.

7. Do not tailgate. Leave some space around you. Other cars can spin 180 degrees before you have a chance to react - and yes, they'll probably still have their foot on the accelerator and head straight towards you.

8. Do not talk on your phone. Yes, I saw this; and then I saw them lose control. If you really need to talk, get a headset or pull over.

All of this sounds pretty trivial and logical, doesn't it? Yet, people continue to amaze me. I guess that's why we have the Darwin awards...

Friday, January 5, 2007

I love acronyms!

PBPGINFWMY! Even the snail reached the ark by persevering!