Friday, May 25, 2007

Random acts of kindness... - Part II

Wow, a day off! Well, sort of... I got to work from home... After I was through with my responsibilities, I figured I would visit my folks in New Braunfels. My dad wanted to install new components on his PC and had troubles with his chainsaw. What can I say? I'm a jack of all trades... :) I was also hoping that he would be up to go shooting (seeing as how I bought him a S&W .22 a couple of years ago and he STILL hasn't put a single round through it).

As I drove south on I35, I decided to stop at the San Marcos Starbucks for a hot, delicious latte. Rainy days are good coffee days, right? As I approached the order box, I suddenly said to myself, "I want to do something to brighten someone's day today." I decided that I'd offer to pay for the order behind me if someone drove into the line.

At that moment, a SUV pulled in behind me. I promptly ordered my beverage and continued to the window. The woman behind me looked frazzled, stressed and tired. My heart started to pound. I felt a sense of exhiliration. I asked the young woman at the window if I could pay for the car behind me. She ran my Starbucks card (ridiculous, I know) for the appropriate amounts. I didn't tell the cashier anything else, leave my business card or anything. I wanted to be totally anonymous.

As I drove off, another rush of adrenaline came over me. Not that I did anything profound, but I felt that I had gotten away with something. For those of you who read my blogs, this post might look similar to my 11/18/06 entry. Once again, I wanted to experience what pastor Cole Phillips once sent me in an email. "What a fun and simple way to brighten someone's day and connect it back to God's love."

As I continued on my drive, I had a grin from ear to ear. It's moments like these that truly make me happy. Consider what it did for the other person... It's a gloomy day and it was fun to brighten someone else's. I'll never meet that woman, know what she was thinking or how she reacted; but wouldn't you remember something like that for a long time? Pass it on!

God bless,
