Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Starbucks Suggestions

Before you begin reading this blog, just know that this is a light-hearted, fun and silly post. Don't get offended. It's been a while since I've blogged on this site. I figured this post would be a nice change-of-pace from the more-serious content that is usually posted here. Although it's fun in spirit, there are some truths to consider.

Before I entered the Real Estate world, I managed Starbucks stores for a couple of years. My general observations as well as current customer experiences was the inspiration for this blog. I have a store that I like to frequent and the partners are amazing. Some of the customers - not so much. Once again, if you're easily offended, you might want to stop reading now.

1. Starbucks stores open pretty early. Their baristas get up even earlier. Don't wait outside banging on the door before the store is even open. They are perfectly aware of your presence. It isn't Black Friday at Wal-Mart. You're not buying a Wii for $100; you're getting a cup of coffee.

2. Once inside, be sensitive to the fact that manners matter. If a barista hasn't even had a chance to grab a cup of coffee yet, what makes you think they're prepared to take your crap?

3. You are not better than anyone. Stop acting like it. Just because a person is making your coffee does not make you superior. They are serving you. Also keep in mind that although you can usually see most everything that occurs behind the counter, a barista who has been verbally abused might have a subtle trick or two when it comes to preparing your "special" beverage (if so inclined).

4. Yes, there is a coffee lingo. Yes, even the baristas think it's silly, but it's their job. You have two options. Learn it, or not. Whatever you choose to do, don't make stuff up. It's not amusing and just frustrates the poor guy or gal who has to take your order.

5. Indecisiveness is annoying. With ongoing labor cuts, baristas don't have time to remake every drink you order just because you forgot to mention a preference of yours. To a barista, work is work. To the person behind you, you're rude.

6. Don't go behind the counter. Don't reach behind the counter. It is a sanitized environment. Your hands are not clean. It's not your kitchen - stop acting like it is. If you really don't think it's a big deal, take a Food Safety Course. You'll be surprised just how gross you really are.

7. Drive thrus have dumbed the coffee business down to an unspeakable low. You're living proof. If you don't believe me, just sit at one for a minute. First of all, most stores (Starbucks or otherwise) are equipped with cameras. If you want to sit there and pick your nose, that's fine. Just know it doesn't go unnoticed. Second, you do not need to yell at the speaker box. It's obnoxious. You cease to be a customer and are acting like a drunk person with a speech impediment. Third, if you have 20 drinks to order, go inside. Remember, you are not the only one in a hurry. Fourth, don't go through the drive thru just to get a cup of water, buy a gift-card or ask a poor barista to bring you the entire store so you can window shop. Be considerate. And for the love of God, please don't come to the window and ask for coffee grounds without even making a purchase. It's messy and rude!

8. Trash cans are for trash. Not your barista. It's against health code and in some states, the littering abatement act. Stop asking people to throw your trash away for you. Why are you trying to put trash in the clean hands of a barista who also has to prepare your food / drink?

9. Stop bothering everyone for a sleeve, splenda packet, napkin, stir-stick, etc. Most everything you need is in your reach. What is not in your reach isn't for a reason (usually health code). Use your eyes, not your mouth. In fact, use your ears. How many times does a barista have to call your drink. They'll literally say, "Venti, Nonfat Latte" four times before you go to the bar, grab the drink and literally ask them if they've made your Venti, Nonfat Latte.

10. Your barista doesn't hate you. They are not snobs. Actually, most all of them like developing relationships with people and making a regular they can see every day. If you don't have this relationship with them, it's probably because you're guilty of doing something listed above.

P.S. - Tip them every once in a while. A little tip goes a LONG way. I promise!

Photo Credit: http://rookery.s3.amazonaws.com/1265000/1265014_8613_625x1000.jpg