Thursday, May 27, 2010

Austin Power House Church - Not Your Average Church

Austin Power House Church

As an agent in the real estate industry, it is my job and my absolute pleasure to find the perfect home for you. But today, I want to talk about another home - a church home.

As a Christian, I truly believe what the Bible says about sharing the Truth and the Good News with others. My sole objective with this posting is to introduce you to an awesome church in the Austin area.

Origins / History: Austin Power House Church was founded in July of 2004. The pastor's family along with a tiny crowd of 3 members met weekly at Alonzo's tacos in Austin, TX. After meeting at various places around South Austin, Austin Power House Church acquired it's first building on W. William Cannon. Today, Austin Power House Church has grown to roughly 1,000 members and currently meets in a 30,000 sq. ft. facility on the corner of E. St. Elmo and Todd Ln.

Bishop Paul Ojeda: After literally dying from a cocaine overdose in 1997, Paul Ojeda gave his life to theBishop Paul Ojeda & First Lady Lilian Ojeda Lord after being brought back from the pit of hell. He and his wife, First Lady Lilian Ojeda actually met in a drug rehabilitation clinic. After committing themselves to the work and will of the Lord, they started attending and faithfully serving at Power House Christian Center ( in Katy, TX. They lived in an upscale, affluent golf-course community and owned a prosperous plumbing company when the Lord called them to move to Austin, TX. Out of obedience to God's calling, they sold all of their posessions and moved to Austin, TX. The rest is history...

Cell Groups: Like many other churches, Austin Power House Church has cell groups that meet throughout the week. These cell groups are truly the heartbeat of the ministry. There are men, women as well as youth cell groups that meet weekly. These meetings are used to share the Bible, testimonies, prayer requests and is the primary tool used to disciple men and women of the church. The vision is for each cell group leader to multiply themselves 12 times, who, in turn, multiply themselves 12 times (as Jesus did with the disciples). Unlike many churches, everyone in the ministry (including the Pastors / Bishop) are accountable to a leader. This proves to maintain a Godly order that many other churches lack. Unfortunately, a lack of order found in some ministries is one reason why Pastors fall from grace and/or find themselves in the middle of serious contraversy.

Encounters: Throughout the year (usually once a quarter), Austin Power House Church holds an Encounter God weekend. This is an opportunity for men, women, youth and children to spend an intimate weekend with God at their respective Encounters. This is where true transformation occurs. People have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, adultery, pornography, fornication, homosexuality, etc. from these Encounters. Many powerful testimonies can be viewed on the church's website (listed at the end of this blog) as well as YouTube and Vimeo.

Vision: The vision of Austin Power House Church is simple. Win the lost, Consolidate them into the house of God, Disciple them as Jesus discipled His men and Send men and women out to multiply the result. God has used Austin Power House Church to transform drug dealers of the past into past-ors and former gang members into true servants of the Lord.

Dr. Edwin Louis ColeMajoring in Men: Austin Power House Church knows that if a man is restored, so is the rest of his family. The church studies a rigid curriculum by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (, Once the curriculum is completed, men and women are commissioned to be ministers.

Signs, wonders and miracles: In the past 6 years, Austin Power House Church has witnessed tremendous miracles. The list of testimonies is truly endless. Marriages have been restored, people have been healed of cancer, people in wheel chairs have left walking, etc. The Bible says in Revelation that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. People will argue with the Bible forever, but they find themselves speechless when they are told an amazing testimony.

Guest Speakers: Austin Power House Church has been blessed to have many well-known pastors speak Pastor G.F. Watkinsat the church. Such individuals include, Pastor Martin Seca (, Pastor G.F. Watkins (, Bishop Kenneth Phillips (, Pastor Owen McManus ( as well as a concert by Curvine (

If I'm not currently helping you find a home, I just want to personally invite you to my home church.

AddressAustin Power House Church
4414 E. St. Elmo
Austin, TX 78744

Photo Credits:
Banner & Bishop / First Lady -
Dr. Edwin Louis Cole -