Friday, December 24, 2010


I have to start this entry by first, repenting.  The honest truth is that I am tired and stressed.  It is Christmas Eve and the last thing I wanted to do tonight was blog.  However, the Lord dealt with me (like He always does) and I need to share what God has put on my heart.  I need forgiveness for my misguided attempt to be disobedient.

I know by looking at the picture for this post, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this...  As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior and enter another year, there is something stirring in my spirit.  I struggle with the fact that there are millions of people who will "celebrate" Christmas tomorrow, yet completely deny God or the birth of Jesus Christ (let alone His death for our sins).

As I meditated on this thought, the Lord revealed something to me.  He showed me all of the preposterous things we believe (and even encourage others to believe), yet still deny Him.  In the spirit of the holiday season, let's use something current as an example.  Santa Claus.  We market him, celebrate him and even ask him for things (I've heard Santa wish lists read with more passion than many prayers).  As if that isn't enough, we perpetuate the entire belief with our kids.

With what other things do we do this?  The tooth fairy?  The Easter Bunny?  Big Foot?  The Lochness Monster?  UFOs?  Aliens?  And no matter how ridiculous the myth or legend, those who celebrate their claims will still not face as much criticism as someone who shares the gospel and the good news of Christ.

Why do we put more trust in a corrupt government to deliver our tax return than we do in the righteous God who delivered us from hell?

I remember as Obama and Bush ran their respective presidential campaigns, Obama's motto was, "Hope."  It was plastered on every poster, pin and commercial.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

This Christmas, I urge you; If you can truly open your mind to a myriad of nonsense, why not open your heart to someone who is real?

Friday, December 17, 2010

The little reminders...

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."  Revelation 12:11 (NKJV)

Though my focus has not been on blogging this month, I felt it necessary to share this one.

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know that by the grace of God, I have overcome a very serious illness.  I am moving next week, which means I have been packing the past few days.  As I was going through some boxes, I encountered one that was unmarked.  I opened it.  The contents of the box are displayed in the attached photos.  I didn't even know I still had this stuff.  I thought I had thrown it out long ago.

The box contained a substantial stack of medical bills, hospital admission bracelets and various literature regarding Ulcerative Colitis - a chronic illness I was diagnosed with in 2005.  It's funny how God tends to remind us exactly where he found us.  Through my illness, pain and suffering, God found me and restored me.  To this day, my doctors cannot explain the miracle that occurred within my body.

Matthew 19:26 (NIV) says, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  I don't know what you might be going through today, but I do know that Romans 2:11 (NIV) says, "God does not show favoritism."  Simply put: What He has done for me, He will do for you.

Keep fighting the good fight of faith!


Saturday, December 11, 2010


For those of you who follow this (or my Real Estate / Social Media) blog, you've probably noticed that I have not been posting as much.  In addition to my everyday workload, I am currently writing a book, participating in a musical project and moving.  However, I have also been heeding a command God gives us in Psalm 46:10.  After 21 days of prayer, fasting and intently listening to what God says in His Word, I am ready for a change in my life!  I am rearranging it on all fronts!

This is not going to be a long post.  It is not going to be full of Scripture.  It will ask a few questions, though.

Dr. Edwin Louis Cole once said, "The way you leave is the way you enter."  The way you leave 2010 is the way you will enter 2011.  During a time of year when most of us are busy with social gatherings, shopping, etc., have you taken time to really consider what you want in 2011?  Isn't the New Year a little late for making resolutions, anyway?  How many of us are 100% certain that we'll even see 2011?  Tomorrow is not promised!

Plans to lose weight, quit smoking and build a better business all have one thing in common - change.  What needs to change in your life?  Are you even ready for change in your life?  Would you know what to do with it?

If you are truly ready for bigger and better in your life:  Call, email, DM or find me on Facebook.  I will be more than happy to pray with you, pray for you and show you what God wants to do for you in 2011!  Hope to hear from you!

God bless,

(512) 587-6064

Sammy Maloof's visit to Austin, TX


You may have seen Sammy Maloof in several movies and have not even realized it.  As a stunt actor / driver for some of Hollywood's largest productions, Sammy's passion for driving, racing and stunts is only matched for his passion for Christ.  Sammy's story can be found here:

On December 5th, Sammy made a special appearance in Austin.  The following clips were taken at Austin Power House Church in Austin, TX.

Taken with my iPhone 4...

Taken with my iPhone 4...

A full filmography of Sammy's credits can be found here:


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Starbucks Suggestions

Before you begin reading this blog, just know that this is a light-hearted, fun and silly post. Don't get offended. It's been a while since I've blogged on this site. I figured this post would be a nice change-of-pace from the more-serious content that is usually posted here. Although it's fun in spirit, there are some truths to consider.

Before I entered the Real Estate world, I managed Starbucks stores for a couple of years. My general observations as well as current customer experiences was the inspiration for this blog. I have a store that I like to frequent and the partners are amazing. Some of the customers - not so much. Once again, if you're easily offended, you might want to stop reading now.

1. Starbucks stores open pretty early. Their baristas get up even earlier. Don't wait outside banging on the door before the store is even open. They are perfectly aware of your presence. It isn't Black Friday at Wal-Mart. You're not buying a Wii for $100; you're getting a cup of coffee.

2. Once inside, be sensitive to the fact that manners matter. If a barista hasn't even had a chance to grab a cup of coffee yet, what makes you think they're prepared to take your crap?

3. You are not better than anyone. Stop acting like it. Just because a person is making your coffee does not make you superior. They are serving you. Also keep in mind that although you can usually see most everything that occurs behind the counter, a barista who has been verbally abused might have a subtle trick or two when it comes to preparing your "special" beverage (if so inclined).

4. Yes, there is a coffee lingo. Yes, even the baristas think it's silly, but it's their job. You have two options. Learn it, or not. Whatever you choose to do, don't make stuff up. It's not amusing and just frustrates the poor guy or gal who has to take your order.

5. Indecisiveness is annoying. With ongoing labor cuts, baristas don't have time to remake every drink you order just because you forgot to mention a preference of yours. To a barista, work is work. To the person behind you, you're rude.

6. Don't go behind the counter. Don't reach behind the counter. It is a sanitized environment. Your hands are not clean. It's not your kitchen - stop acting like it is. If you really don't think it's a big deal, take a Food Safety Course. You'll be surprised just how gross you really are.

7. Drive thrus have dumbed the coffee business down to an unspeakable low. You're living proof. If you don't believe me, just sit at one for a minute. First of all, most stores (Starbucks or otherwise) are equipped with cameras. If you want to sit there and pick your nose, that's fine. Just know it doesn't go unnoticed. Second, you do not need to yell at the speaker box. It's obnoxious. You cease to be a customer and are acting like a drunk person with a speech impediment. Third, if you have 20 drinks to order, go inside. Remember, you are not the only one in a hurry. Fourth, don't go through the drive thru just to get a cup of water, buy a gift-card or ask a poor barista to bring you the entire store so you can window shop. Be considerate. And for the love of God, please don't come to the window and ask for coffee grounds without even making a purchase. It's messy and rude!

8. Trash cans are for trash. Not your barista. It's against health code and in some states, the littering abatement act. Stop asking people to throw your trash away for you. Why are you trying to put trash in the clean hands of a barista who also has to prepare your food / drink?

9. Stop bothering everyone for a sleeve, splenda packet, napkin, stir-stick, etc. Most everything you need is in your reach. What is not in your reach isn't for a reason (usually health code). Use your eyes, not your mouth. In fact, use your ears. How many times does a barista have to call your drink. They'll literally say, "Venti, Nonfat Latte" four times before you go to the bar, grab the drink and literally ask them if they've made your Venti, Nonfat Latte.

10. Your barista doesn't hate you. They are not snobs. Actually, most all of them like developing relationships with people and making a regular they can see every day. If you don't have this relationship with them, it's probably because you're guilty of doing something listed above.

P.S. - Tip them every once in a while. A little tip goes a LONG way. I promise!

Photo Credit:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Time to collect!



Be careful about what you try to take from me. I have been keeping a very detailed ledger and have documented everything you owe me. This letter is to inform you that your current balance is quite substantial and is due upon receipt. Please be advised that in accordance with God's Word, you are not only responsible for the original balance, but are required to pay many times over what you have already decided to take. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter!


James Johnson

Photo Credit:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Austin Power House Church - Not Your Average Church

Austin Power House Church

As an agent in the real estate industry, it is my job and my absolute pleasure to find the perfect home for you. But today, I want to talk about another home - a church home.

As a Christian, I truly believe what the Bible says about sharing the Truth and the Good News with others. My sole objective with this posting is to introduce you to an awesome church in the Austin area.

Origins / History: Austin Power House Church was founded in July of 2004. The pastor's family along with a tiny crowd of 3 members met weekly at Alonzo's tacos in Austin, TX. After meeting at various places around South Austin, Austin Power House Church acquired it's first building on W. William Cannon. Today, Austin Power House Church has grown to roughly 1,000 members and currently meets in a 30,000 sq. ft. facility on the corner of E. St. Elmo and Todd Ln.

Bishop Paul Ojeda: After literally dying from a cocaine overdose in 1997, Paul Ojeda gave his life to theBishop Paul Ojeda & First Lady Lilian Ojeda Lord after being brought back from the pit of hell. He and his wife, First Lady Lilian Ojeda actually met in a drug rehabilitation clinic. After committing themselves to the work and will of the Lord, they started attending and faithfully serving at Power House Christian Center ( in Katy, TX. They lived in an upscale, affluent golf-course community and owned a prosperous plumbing company when the Lord called them to move to Austin, TX. Out of obedience to God's calling, they sold all of their posessions and moved to Austin, TX. The rest is history...

Cell Groups: Like many other churches, Austin Power House Church has cell groups that meet throughout the week. These cell groups are truly the heartbeat of the ministry. There are men, women as well as youth cell groups that meet weekly. These meetings are used to share the Bible, testimonies, prayer requests and is the primary tool used to disciple men and women of the church. The vision is for each cell group leader to multiply themselves 12 times, who, in turn, multiply themselves 12 times (as Jesus did with the disciples). Unlike many churches, everyone in the ministry (including the Pastors / Bishop) are accountable to a leader. This proves to maintain a Godly order that many other churches lack. Unfortunately, a lack of order found in some ministries is one reason why Pastors fall from grace and/or find themselves in the middle of serious contraversy.

Encounters: Throughout the year (usually once a quarter), Austin Power House Church holds an Encounter God weekend. This is an opportunity for men, women, youth and children to spend an intimate weekend with God at their respective Encounters. This is where true transformation occurs. People have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, adultery, pornography, fornication, homosexuality, etc. from these Encounters. Many powerful testimonies can be viewed on the church's website (listed at the end of this blog) as well as YouTube and Vimeo.

Vision: The vision of Austin Power House Church is simple. Win the lost, Consolidate them into the house of God, Disciple them as Jesus discipled His men and Send men and women out to multiply the result. God has used Austin Power House Church to transform drug dealers of the past into past-ors and former gang members into true servants of the Lord.

Dr. Edwin Louis ColeMajoring in Men: Austin Power House Church knows that if a man is restored, so is the rest of his family. The church studies a rigid curriculum by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (, Once the curriculum is completed, men and women are commissioned to be ministers.

Signs, wonders and miracles: In the past 6 years, Austin Power House Church has witnessed tremendous miracles. The list of testimonies is truly endless. Marriages have been restored, people have been healed of cancer, people in wheel chairs have left walking, etc. The Bible says in Revelation that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. People will argue with the Bible forever, but they find themselves speechless when they are told an amazing testimony.

Guest Speakers: Austin Power House Church has been blessed to have many well-known pastors speak Pastor G.F. Watkinsat the church. Such individuals include, Pastor Martin Seca (, Pastor G.F. Watkins (, Bishop Kenneth Phillips (, Pastor Owen McManus ( as well as a concert by Curvine (

If I'm not currently helping you find a home, I just want to personally invite you to my home church.

AddressAustin Power House Church
4414 E. St. Elmo
Austin, TX 78744

Photo Credits:
Banner & Bishop / First Lady -
Dr. Edwin Louis Cole -