I know a lot of people are going to be upset with this blog, but just consider the following:
I've never seen a denomination that is more interested in the perception of their religion than anyone else. How can a group of people be so comitted to a set of ideals when it is inherently contradictive to what God teaches us?
What merit does all of the physical gestures have? Kneel, stand, bow, cross your heart, splash holy water, etc. Do Catholics actually believe that God cares about this? It's one thing to show reverance, but it is quite another to live it.
Have you ever heard the word "devout" precede any other denomination? No. Nobody ever says, "He / she is a devout Lutheran (arbitrarily chosen - substitute your denomination of choice)." What makes them so devout? Is it the act of going to church and doing aerobics or is it living your life for God?
Why was this country founded? Was it the search of a new land or was it to escape religious persecution from a certain sect?
Why do Catholics not accept divorce? Does God want us to strictly conform to certain ideals, even if it destroys us as a person? How is this any different than destroying our own humanity by using drugs, waging wars or living recklessly?
Why is re-marriage not permitted? Everyone deserves a second chance. Does God not give us second chances every day?
The Bible was written by man. How can it not be inerrant? The big picture is what's important.
How can some Catholic churches not show tolerance to other religions? There is not one church. There are many. Catholicism is not right or wrong. How can the clergy state that other churches of worship are "imperfect?" What makes the catholic church perfect?
Why are women not permitted in church leadership? God knew that evolution would follow free-will. Although we have a long way to go as a society, why is equality being fought by the church - of all people?
Why does one confess to a priest? Is it to further advertise a "comittment" to a belief? Should we not ask God for forgiveness? Priests, reverands, etc. are a resource. They are human, not omnipotent. Does every priest have the divine influence to truly forgive us?
Are we not taught to "let go" by the bible? Are we not told to "drop our nets" and follow God? At the risk of sounding morbid - Why do we mourn at a funeral? Loss is tough. However, shouldn't the acknowledgement and celebration of life be more important? Death is a part of life. God calls us home every day. We are needed in his kingdom more than we are on earth.
I'm really not trying to convert people or alter a set of ideals/beliefs - but I really am curious! Is the chief purpose of human existance to love and worship God or is it to act superior through show-boating through a set of beliefs that were established by man, not God?
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